
To control your life, control your mind.
To control your mind, control your breath.

The breath is the bridge between the subconscious and conscious mind.
The breath is the bridge between the subconscious and conscious mind. ꩜

The techniques taught in a breathwork session focus on the conscious effort of controlling the breath to achieve physiological and psychological well-being.
The techniques shared leverage the science of breath, vibration of numbers and understanding/experiencing that each number possesses a unique quality in its attunement with nature. The techniques shared work with specific breath ratios, time-tested over thousands of years, to penetrate deeply into the layers of the subconscious mind, clearing out stuck energy patterns that manifest as limiting beliefs and unhelpful thought patterns
A mixture of functional breathing techniques and ancient methods.
Dima's teaching approach is deeply inspired by her mentor, Jenika Bronsen, from whom she learned techniques rooted in the Swami Gitananda lineage. She also incorporates methods from the Oxygen Advantage School, where she is certified as an Advanced Instructor.
Mind-body. Influencing brain plasticity and nervous system regulation.
• 1:1 sessions
• Chakra Breathing Program
• Retreats + Community Gatherings
• Corporate Workshops
• Online Studio